Spring is in the air, and that insistent urge to re-organize and beautify your home is nearly impossible to ignore. We have cleaned out and de-cluttered the garage, transforming it into an efficient work space, entertainment venue, and place to spend time with the family. We’ve got easy-access to our spring-time outdoor gear, but the question is: how do we protect our garage floor against all the additional foot traffic the warm weather brings? How do we cover up the current cracks and pits from winter damage?
Bye-Bye Blemishes!
Say goodbye to your unsightly flooring imperfections and future damage, and welcome the affordable, heavy-duty garage flooring solution that will to transform your insecurities into pride, leaving your guests and neighbors breathless! The solution:NewAge PVC VersaRoll Floor.
Easy Maintenance
Our fantastic roll floor is impressively easy to maintain, with a quick wipe down or spray hose for clean-up, you’re prepped for guests in no time. This garage flooring is nonporous, and water and chemical resistant, meaning your concrete floor is protected from spills and leaks around the clock. Go ahead, have a water-fight or spill that watering can, because the VersaRoll can take it!
Versatile VersaRoll
VersaRoll comes with a sleek diamond tread plate pattern, and is available in different sizes for single, 2 car, or 3 car garages. It can be easily customized for size and trimmed with a utility knife, so you can use our flooring under your bike, cut a piece off for under the BBQ, or place some under the patio set in the backyard for style, and waterproofing your deck!
Talk about springtime colour options! This garage floor is available in silver grey, black and taupe, ideal for a stylish flooring solution in various areas of the home like the garage, patio, front porch, or basement.
Save time for Springtime Play
We know you’ve got more important things to do in the warm weather than spend hours installing a garage flooring solution! That’s why the VersaRoll is designed for easy installation by simply rolling it out. In minutes, you’re fixing your bike on a showroom floor, or enjoying a beer with the boys in your workshop.
The VersaRoll garage floor is all you need to keep your garage space looking brand new. At NewAge Products, we pride ourselves on the best quality, high-end garage storage goods. Your home is your investment, so go ahead and revive that cold, and damaged garage floor with the NewAge VersaRoll!
For a complete listing of our full line of NewAge Products, visit the products section on the website, or visit out dealer locator for information about where to buy.